Blue Roof Systems
ICB's blue roof solution can provide the required retention of stormwater for discharge over an extended time period.
The Evablue supports to create a void capable of holding stormwater, this is then filtered down through the Evablue outlet at a controlled rate. The flow rate of the Evablue outlet can be adjusted to suit the project specification, which tends to be between 12 and 48 hours to drain the roof.

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ICB Waterproofing System.
Weight to determine structural deck type.

PL300 Protection Fleece

EvaBlue Support

EvaDrain 25 Drainage Board

FL150 Filter Fleece

Planting on growing medium

ICB’s blue roof solution can provide the required retention of stormwater for discharge over an extended time period. The EvaBlue Supports create a void capable of holding stormwater, this is then filtered down through the EvaBlue Outlet at a controlled rate. The flow rate of the EvaBlue Outlet can be adjusted to suit the project specification, which tends to be between 12 and 48 hours to drain the roof.
- Constructed on flat or low sloped roofs in urban communities where flooding is a risk
- Designed explicitly to provide initial temporary water storage and then the gradual release of stored water, typically rainfall
- ICB can provide the necessary calculations to ascertain the level of restriction required at each outlet, based upon the required water dispersal rate for the project, along with calculating the number of restrictive outlets the project will require
- Reduces flooding and meets SUDs requirements
- Can be combined with the green roof
- The temporary storage of rainfall to mitigate runoff impacts
- Easy installation and straightforward maintenance